Welcome to Fields
FIELDS is a local campaign group, set up in 1989 to protect the countryside to the east of Lady Bay and oppose any attempts to build on the floodplain and the green belt.
There have been a number of successful campaigns against proposals to build a new Trent Bridge, commercial units, housing, golf courses, etc. and now we are opposing the County Council plan to build two new schools off Regatta Way - which would also take Lady Bay Primary school out of the heart of the community.
Views on the proposals can be posted via this link, organised by our County Councillor, Penny Gowland -
- Want to know more about the current issues and alternatives? Read on.
- Want to know what's happening now? See our News page.
- Want to know more about the history of FIELDS? See our About FIELDS page.
WHat are the issues?
We have many concerns about the current proposals, which are described in this West Bridgford Wire article -
- Lady Bay Primary school has been at the heart of our community ever since it was built. Moving it away will mean a very long walk to school or, much more likely, children being taken there by car, reducing exercise and greatly increasing pollution. Local businesses will be badly affected and some may have to close, perhaps including some of the pre-schools.
- The Environment Agency says that the site chosen is at “high risk” of flooding and it’s also in the green belt. Everyone in Lady Bay knows the fields flood after heavy rain – and of course, when they do, that reduces the risk of flooding in our houses and in communities further down the river.
- The proposed site is downwind of the biggest source of pollution in the area: the A52 and the big roundabout at the junction with the A6011. Two new schools on a rural site close to Lady Bay will themselves increase pollution, both from the buildings and from the necessity of children arriving by car.
- If the schools were to be built, it would give the green light to developers to build new housing estates on the adjoining fields.
- The County Council made no effort to consult local people before choosing Regatta Way as their preferred site and have already spent £455,000 on an initial Feasibility Study. We say that Lady Bay school can be redeveloped on its current site (see below) and that the new secondary school should be built on the other side of West Bridgford, where there is the greatest need for school places. The only reason for this unsuitable site being chosen is that the Council owns the land – but they also own other better-placed land, closer to the main communities that would be served by a new secondary school.
- The plan is completely contrary to recent statements by the County Council on protecting the environment.
- In response to the news that Councils are continuing to approve building on floodplains, a government spokesperson said (November 2021): “Our national planning policy is clear that floodplain development should be avoided wherever possible….we expect local planning authorities to follow this guidance.”
Read on for more detail and to find out how to get more involved.
Lady Bay school relocation
Lady Bay school is a Victorian Grade II listed building and can’t currently provide the best learning environment for local children. But it can be redeveloped on its current site, with relatively little disruption to staff and children, to provide the best 21st century education and facilities.
A local architect, Alan Wright, has produced a series of drawings which show the sort of redevelopment of the school that we can all be proud of. His criteria for the outline plan are:
- A safe and protective boundary to the school
- An outer zone to filter out pollution
- New buildings that work together with the existing listed building
- The provision of new flexible space for school and community events
- New classrooms built to 21st century standards
- Maximum external space for social, play and educational activity
- High sustainability for the future
- A creative environment for children, staff and the community
- Adaptability for future needs and environmental improvements
- Continuity with the original building
Soon you will be able to have a go at creating your own alternative design. Here is a YouTube video of the Minecraft model. Ready to have a go yourself? Download the Minecraft files, in zip form, by clicking on this text. If we aren't careful, the kids will design it for us!
Examples of this type of refurbishment, as alternative to relocation, have been compiled by Alan Wright into a set of display boards to accompany the Lady Bay School exhibition boards - see next section.
LADY BAY school - alternatives to relocation
Get involved

The FIELDS Steering Group will make sure that local people have their voice heard and will circulate details of the legally-required public consultation as soon as they are available. This is not a “done deal” and the Council must listen to those who will be most affected. If you would like regular updates, please email us at - [email protected] and we will put you on our contact list.
Register your views here -
Go to the FIELDS Facebook group -
Please note that other proposals may involve community campaigning but these will be handled through the Community Association directly. They include:-
- Campaign to maintain footpath access to the fields to the East of the Hook.
- Proposal to construct a pedestrian and cycle bridge across the Trent near the Hook