LOcal Resources available for free
Defibrillator - is at the Lady Bay pub. The defibrillator on the outside of the pub and is accessible via a code, obtainable from the ambulance service or from the pub itself. https://www.greeneking-pubs.co.uk/pubs/nottinghamshire/lady-bay/.
Garden Manure - following a grant from the Lady Bay Community Fund, there is now a trailer available at Moohaven to assist in transport of (free) horse manure to people's gardens. Their contact details are here - http://moo-haven.co.uk/contact-and-opening-times.
Wheelchair - A wheelchair is available to borrow, free of charge, from Michelene Harries. It's a pretty blue, large-wheeled, easily foldable and manoeuvrable, and comes with its own cushion. Just email Michelene at [email protected].
Walks - Trevor Riddiough has produced an amazing resource with his '100 walks from the Poppy and Pint' series. It actually runs to more than 100 walks by the time you get through the third volume. Here they are, all for free, although you can always buy a copy to contribute to the charity - available at the Poppy & Pint pub. Thanks Trevor.
- 100 Walks from the Poppy and Pint volume 1
- 100 Walks from the Poppy and Pint volume 2
- 100 Walks from the Poppy and Pint volume 3 - winter walks
It would make Trevor very happy if you were to join Nottinghamshire WIldlife Trust.
LOcal INitiatives
West Bridgford Community Helpers - A 'buddy system' initiative to pair volunteers with lonely and vulnerable people needing support during self-isolation. Called Community Helpers, they have a Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/842219359579252/ and an email address [email protected].
Notts CC 'Help Yourself' Support Hub - Now under Nottinghamshire Council - https://www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk/kb5/nottinghamshire/directory/home.page. Here is a link to a similar service from Rushcliffe Borough Council - https://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/community-and-living/health/lets-live-well-in-rushcliffe/
Rushcliffe Befriends - a service run by Rushcliffe Community and Voluntary Service (RCVS). Telephone 0115 9699 060 or, if interested in volunteering, email [email protected]
Guru Nanak's Mission continue their good work- https://www.facebook.com/GuruNanaksMissionNottm/. Food banks are still operating and need donations more than ever.
Various Foodbanks and other charities are supported by local residents - https://www.ladybay.co.uk/charities.html.