Other classses in well-being

Wellbeing classes in Lady Bay - Incorporating Qigong, Mindfulness, Breathing & Meditation (Qigong means to work with your energy).  Also Tai Ch Chuan Classes.  Contact Lisa Brindley, 01949 860013 or 07854 506451 or visit  www.revitalisewellbeing.co.uk.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga - More information online at www.moniquefryeryoga.com or Contact Monique: m: 07855 765 323 or at [email protected].

Balance Yoga - More info at - https://www.balanceyogapt.com, or telephone Jude on: 07775 613 001 or email at [email protected].

Pilates - Kris Fitness, more info at https://www.krisfitness.co.uk/class-details

Zumba - Classes at the Poppy & Pint and All Hallows. Contact Ali Biller: 07967 852207 or at [email protected].

Ballet for adults - Lady Bay Ballet - https://www.ladybayballet.com/new-page-3

Salsa & Bachata - every Monday evening at the Poppy & Pint - https://www.facebook.com/salsabachatauk

Boxing - Lady Bay Boxing - contact via email - [email protected] or tel. 07954 030098.